
Savoy Truffle – Rock’n Roll 英語教室 Vol.15

Rock’n Roll 英語教室 Vol.15

The Beatles – Savoy Truffle (1968)

Blackbirdに続いてホワイトアルバムからジョージ・ハリスンの作品です。曲調は軽快なブラスロック 。


タイトルの「サヴォイ・トラッフル」 をはじめ、曲の冒頭に出てくる「クリーム・タンジェリン」「モンテリマ」「ジンジャー・スリング」は すべてイギリスの菓子メーカーMackintosh社のチョコレートの詰め合わせ「Good News」に入っているチョコレートの名前です。

You might not feel it now


But when the pain cuts through


You’re going to know, and how


The sweat is going to fill your head


When it becomes too much


You shout aloud


You’ll have to have them all pulled out


After the Savoy truffle


ここでサヴォイ・トラッフル のあとに抜かなければいけないと歌われているのは歯のことです。


Creme tangerine and montelimar

A ginger sling with a pineapple heart

A coffee dessert,

yes you know it’s good news

But you’ll have to have them all pulled out

After the Savoy truffle

Cool cherry cream, a nice apple tart

I feel your taste all the time we’re apart

Coconut fudge, really blows down those blues

But you’ll have to have them all pulled out

After the Savoy truffle

You might not feel it now

But when the pain cuts through

You’re going to know, and how

The sweat is going to fill your head

When it becomes too much

You shout aloud

You’ll have to have them all pulled out

After the Savoy truffle

You know that what you eat you are,

But what is sweet now, turns so sour

We all know Obla-Di-Bla-Da

But can you show me, where you are?

Creme tangerine and montelimar

A ginger sling with a pineapple heart

A coffee dessert, yes you know it’s good news

But you’ll have to have them all pulled out

After the Savoy truffle

Yes you’ll have to have them all pulled out

After the Savoy truffle