
Fragile – Rock’n Roll 英語教室 Vol.6

Rock’n Roll 英語教室 Vol.6

Sting – Fragile (1988)





接続詞の「lest」は「~しないように」「~するといけないから」と訳します。「lest」=「for fear (that)」はG-MARCH以上では必須の知識です。

That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could


For all those born beneath an angry star


Lest we forget how fragile we are


On and on the rain will fall


Like tears from a star like tears from a star


On and on the rain will say


How fragile we are



If blood will flow when fresh and steel are one

Drying in the colour of the evening sun

Tomorrow’s rain will wash the stains away

But something in our minds will always stay

Perhaps this final act was meant

To clinch a lifetime’s argument

That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could

For all those born beneath an angry star

Lest we forget how fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall

Like tears from a star like tears from a star

On and on the rain will say

How fragile we are

How fragile we are